Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2009!

I don't know why the mere change of a calendar year fills me with inspiration and renewed hope, but it does. I want to get the most out of 2009! My personal goals for this year are:

1. Get healthy. That means Weight Watchers.
2. Get organized/clutter free. That means FlyLady.
3. Get thrifty. That means CouponMom.

I appreciate these sites because I can have my goals and reach them with the support I need. Not to be a commercial, but Weight Watchers works. I know it works. It isn't just a short-term diet--it is a lifestyle. I have not committed myself to WW in a long time. Maybe it was fear or just plain laziness, but it is time to get going on getting healthy. As for FlyLady...she's preachy, but good. She offers simple steps to a clean, chaos free home. This is another program that flat-out works. I've gotten to the point on the FlyLady system where I would wake up in the morning and everything is...clean! It is surprisingly scary to be in that much control. I would have unexpected free time, and rather than enjoy it or do productive things, I'd let fear make me slip back into my old habits. This time, I am going to slowly create a project list of things I never have time for--like reading something other than a textbook or even starting a Mom's group--to fill my newly found "free time." Now to getting thrifty. Ugh. As it is, we live paycheck-to-paycheck. I'm not nuts with money, but I don't have the control on our household expenses that I think I can have. CouponMom is a wonderful site, and best of all, it is FREE! By the end of February or March, I want to be able to save $50 cash a month for an emergency fund.

Other miscellaneous goals are to blog at least 3 days/week and to have my weekly assignments for my thesis completed by Friday every week.

Here's to a happy, safe, healthy, thrifty, clutter-free New Year!

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