Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Very Literal Boy

For Mother's Day, our church made videos of cute things that children say about their Moms to show during the service. In one part, they asked each child, "Who is boss at your house?" My son said, "Mom is boss during the day, then Dad is boss at night. Actually they are both boss." Ah, political correctness starts early. I love that boy!

However, that was the only comment of Alex's that they were allowed to play in church, as I found out last night.

At a potluck, our pastor's wife was telling us about her adventures in taping the kids. She thought it would be cute if she asked the kids, "Where do Moms come from?" Cute until she got to Alex. When she asked him this question, he got a funny look on his face and replied, "Well, the egg cell joins with the sperm cell..."