Friday, July 25, 2008

Getting Funky

And not in a good way. Blues=weight gain=blues.

Mom was here for a week, and we had a wonderful visit. I love my Mom! For years I couldn't say that. Growing up the way I did, I couldn't say that she loved me. But with my perspective as a Mom myself, I have so much more insight into the woman behind the Mom label. She had heart-wrenching grief and pain in her life as a child, and adult, and as a wife and mother. While I would never do the things that she did to me to my own children, I understand her now and better yet, I forgive. That has given me back a Mom whom I love so dearly! As a result, I miss her so terribly now that she is visiting my other sisters and then heading home.

I'm in a funk. Mom's gone. I'm headed for another fight with the schools and the other powers that be to help Alex get the therapy he needs. My house stinks...literally. I started cleaning the bathroom, and it was almost cathartic. As a Girl Friday, if I get in a funk and stop cleaning or caring, nothing gets cleaned or cared for, including me. The mounting piles of trash and scunge just make my mood worse and add to my mounting list of things to do. So, what is the answer to getting me out of this funk? Child labor. Yes, put the kids to work. And so I have--with a smile.

Friday task--finish scraping the rind off of things. Get happy!

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