Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Twitterings: More on simplicity

Ugh. Is Tueday the new Monday? Feels like it.

So, in the spirit of simplicity, I went shopping. Ah, the joys of retail therapy! Completely guilt free this time! Thanks to Amazon's handy-dandy textbook trade-in, I got some serious gift cards that I used today on soap. Yes, soap. Castile soap in peppermint, tea tree, and almond scent. Plus some big vats of coconut oil and olive oil cleanser, facial soap, and moisturizer. I might smell like a cross between a pizza and a Copacabana cocktail, but I'm hoping it all makes our lives easier and our skin healthier. I was intrigued by Tsh Oxenreider's shampoo-free pledge on her blog, and I'm going to give that a go too. Jason says he will try it. Can't wait for that! LOL!

I think it has been a year since I went commercial laundry detergent-free, and I think our clothes are cleaner than before that switch. I actually use about 1 TBSP of a commercial liquid detergent--for some reason, the homemade mixtures need just a touch of the premade stuff. The upside is that I buy the liquid maybe every 4-6mo, and the borax and washing soda about that often as well. Very cost effective! The only thing I miss is the heavier scent of commercial detergents. I know I can add essential oils to the homemade mix, but I just haven't been brave enough to do it. I was reading that I can use the Castile soaps in the laundry, so maybe that will do the trick.

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