Friday, October 30, 2009

But...but...but...I have a spreadsheet to maintain!

October hits the family hard--barfing, coughing, and fevers. This definitely puts a wrench in my need to be organized regarding homeschooling. Yes, I will admit that I have a spreadsheet that I maintain weekly. I just love to check off each assignment as the kids complete it. Oh, let me be honest, I love creating and using spreadsheets almost, and maybe more, than I love office supplies. All of those little boxes of potential! All of those formulas to explore! I can merge cells, twist text, and create check boxes to my heart's content. But, when sickness hits, I am left with little unfilled check-boxes. I lay awake at night thinking things like, "Well, if I double up on history today, then I can have them do triple math tomorrow, then we will be caught up." Whoa. Caught up? To whom? Reality check, aisle 5! First of all, I need to remind myself that there is no rush, no competition, no prize for getting through an entire school year by March. Second, I am the Spreadsheet Creator! I can change the future with a few clicks of my mouse! Ah, the power!

1 comment:

Reagan said...

Power is a good thing....It makes me happy!